Monday, November 10, 2008

More Change at

Vinnie at Ace of Spades points to another cleansing at The Agenda.

Here's what it looks like now:

Here's a partial screenshot of what it looked like on Saturday:

And the google cache of the whole thing...

Astute readers will note that the first screen shot is for a generic "Agenda" section, while the second screenshot reflect the 'urbanpolicy' agenda. The generic agenda is all that's left. I tried to navigate directly to, however all I got was a page not available

Why would they put something up, then take it down? Could it be that The One doesn't want the mask to slip before the Inauguration?

The Memory Hole. Not just internet slang anymore... now it's a component of Executive Privilege.


Eric said...

I posted this over at AoS yesterday, but only a few there noticed it. Go to: You'll see everything that was on the Agenda tab, word for word. The site was a direct port of the campaign site, and they're now getting their campaign promises more aligned with reality.

Eric said...

...they're now getting their campaign promises more aligned with reality.

By which, of course, I mean reneging.