Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Photography versus Taking Pictures

Originally uploaded by Horse Photographer
I will forever be a picture taker and never a photographer. I'd be happy with the "before" picture - it's clear and the subject is interesting. Maybe I'd futz with "auto level" or some such "make me a genius" buttons in post-processing, but probably not much. Every aspect of the picture is better in the after image - and it makes the whole picture more effective.

See more of Tami Gramont's work at http://newhorsephotography.com/ or on Flickr.

1 comment:

Eric said...

I think the hardest thing about photography is composition. Anyone can learn the technical ins and outs of lighting, shutter speed, etc., and any shortcomings in technical competence when the shot is taken can often be corrected after the fact.

Having an eye for that perfect moment to take a shot, though, is something you're either born with or you're not.