A spot for idle thoughts and ramblings both political and social.
Oh, and invective. Lots of invective.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Easter Bunny, or something
I think few men appreciate the female form more than I do. But this doesn't exactly scream the miracle of Easter or the promise of salvation and eternal life. But for some it may mean 'he has risen'.
And just to further prove my point, at least about the appreciation thing, the bunny ears are available in black as well:
I often comment around the blogosphere under the self-important moniker "darkpixel".
Now I have my own blog to call home, and I get to kibitz on my brother's blog.
Is this a great country, or what?
something about those bunny ears on a woman..
Such gratuitous fishing for traffic. NTTAWWT.
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